Robert Gupta discusses the well-known story of Nathaniel Ayers. Nathaniel Ayers, a Julliard trained musician suffering from paranoia schizophrenia. His story became a book, which then came the move Soloist. While performing with Ayers, Gupta recognizes how music is medicine and while listening to the passionate message, so did I. It doesn’t matter what mood I am in, music always reflects it. The very cd in my car can tell you exactly how I am feeling. Music is uplifting. I now know I need music, but I also know that music needs me.
Finding my way into the music industry has been difficult. There has been many times where I just want to give up. At those times, I often think I am capable of settling for a regular 9-5 job. I’m willing to give up on what I’ve worked extremely hard to get in to. However, when I try, I always bounce back to music. No matter the struggle, I fight. I fight to one day make it in to the entertainment business.
After reviewing the video, I know that I cannot just walk away. I need music. I need music, not only in my day-to-day life, but I need music in my career. That’s the only way I will ever be content. I also know that music needs me.
In what many would call the “dying” age of music, music needs me to buy, sell and promote music. It needs me to bring life and change to the industry. It needs me to use it to make a difference in others.
Robert Gupta’s speech was extremely passionate and inspirational to both, the crowd and me. It inspired me to never give up. Although Nathaniel let paranoia schizophrenia limit his capabilities, he still relies on music to keep in sane. Like Nathaniel, music is my medicine. I often overdose from it. I can’t get enough!
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